Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It has been forever since the last post

But I've been busy, and gone, and working. Photos and details to follow but suffice it to say Hong Kong was fun and full of both shopping and dining treats. Shekou/Shezen was interesting and a flashback to the sleepy foreign lands of my youth. A curious juxtaposition of modernity and the 1960s all in one. I found the atmosphere charming despite the streets of brothels we had to navigate to get to the main square where Oktoberfest was taking place :-) Now back in Perth and back at work which is turning out to be interesting and engaging, mostly because everyone there is so busy I can pretty much leap in with both feet and they'll be grateful for any assistance. Here are a few photos just to kick things off: Mike in Shekou at SeaWorld Plaza. That is an old cruise ship they've turned into a land locked hotel. There was an excellent Mexican restaurant that served a fab margarita in the plaza. View from The Peak. You literally can not even see our old apartment building from up there any more. It's completely hidden by all the new construction. I did get a glimpse on the way past on the Peak Tram though...its not green anymore but brown. Dragon on Kowloon in the cultural museum courtyard. The amazing new bridge under construction Our favorite old Star Ferries still look just the same. And the Kowloon side terminal hasn't changed a bit except now the gate to the ferries is automatic rather than operated by a guy in a blue sailor suit. And the ice cream stand is gone. :-(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.. you are incredibly fortunate and privileged to be able to revisit old haunts. Your star ferry pic (in sepia-like faded green tones) & poignant description was very nostalgic for me - I swear we had the same model plying the mainland to Penang (island) channel in Malaysia