Friday, February 5, 2010

I am lame

I recently bought my first gifts to take back to the states. Dog toys. I am just that lame. So eager to see the Willa-beast again that I'm bringing toys to bribe her to act excited to see me. To demonstrate why I can't wait, here is a photo of said Willa beast (on the left) with her greatly missed dearly departed pal Zulu The Wonder Poodle. I mean, look at her charming angelic face, and that pretty blond hair is as soft as silk. That said, if anyone has any requests from the great Land Down Under let me know. I'm arriving with empty suitcases and am happy to bring as much Vegemite (including the new Cheesy Vegemite - ooooo) as anyone needs. I may even still have a blow up kangaroo tucked away in the guest room...


Anonymous said...

Does adding cheese really improve it? Really?

Lyn said...

No. I tried it at an Aussie friends insistence. Still nasty.

Anonymous said...

Don't let Lyn fool you ... she just says that so no one else will eat her vegemite! She adores the stuff!