Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh you spoiled Perthians

Was just emailing my sister about this. I think summer is almost got down in the 50s the last couple of nights and I had to put a blankie on the bed last night. Bless their utterly spoiled by weather hearts, they are saying this was the hottest driest summer EVER. Perth is about to beat a record set in the 1880s for longest consecutive days without rain. Recently we had the hottest January night in 21 years (it only got down to about 78), and the temp didn't drop below 68 at night for 11 whole nights in a row!! How do they survive? After experiencing my first I now LAUGH at their summers. Yeah, a few hot days but overall a non-event (except for the flies - the flies are icky but they are also gone now). You know how really I know they are spoiled? They NEVER mention the humidity. There's never a "feels like 105 in the shade" remark and nothing about a 'heat index'. Even when its hot you can find a bit of shade and be fine. Now I will fuss about the weather pattern a bit simply because it's been regular as clockwork on Wednesday afternoons about blowing a gale which is interfering with sailing. We had to skip it this week again due to winds. Glad we did too - there is an unconfirmed report that one of the boats in our division broke their mast when the wind went from 8 to 25 knots in about 3 minutes. (approx from 9 to 29 mph).


qandlequeen said...

Yes life must be tough when your only complaint is the inability to go sailing.

Enjoy it, though. It's much better than standing in line at the grocery store trying to stock up on storm supplies for an impending snow.

Lyn said...

I must say how happy I am to be missing that storm. Can you see me doing the happy dance from here? We are totally spoiled here.

I feel for you!

Beth said...

Don't be fooled by this summer Lyn. The two summers we lived there the temps were as high as 114; even too hot to sit on the beach! We were lucky we had A/C in part of the house we rented.

Lyn said...

That's because you're a spoiled Californian Beth :-). One mm of rain in 93 days and it has gotten up to 42C and stayed there...but it is STILL not as bad as Houston! It's all about the humidity :-)