Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finally got a breather

October was a blur. Between starting a job, going to Hong Kong, a whole bunch of work entertaining, some serious non-work related entertaining, and five weekends of sailing lessons this week was the first one in about 5 weeks that felt normal and settled. I have savoured it :-) Monday was lovely. I had time to get up and clean the house, do a couple of loads of laundry, start some dinner, and head out to mahjong. Had a lovely day with my buddies and a lovely dinner at home with Mike. Tuesday was a nice normal work day - headed to work at 7:45 and was home by 5PM. Today I got up, talked to my folks, went up to Swan Valley and bought some wine, had a lovely lunch date with my husband, and went sailing (we did pretty good on the river too). Settled back at the house now and still savouring the relaxed yet moderately busy week. I do have to work the next two days, and we are meeting up with folks on Friday and Sat, but it's been, and I trust will continue to be, a lovely week. And I'm re-reading the rather lengthy Aubrey/Mautarin series by Patrick O'Brien - always a treat.

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