Friday, July 24, 2009

How does this happen?

So I'm minding my own business, and a job opportunity falls in my lap. Was I looking? No. Am I interested? *sigh* Yes. It occurs to me that if I don't keep a hand in business in some shape or fashion sometime down the road I may be in the lousy position of needing work and not being qualified. Better to take work than not I suppose. But it's a mixed blessing. Part of me likes the idea of getting out amongst the business community here to see what it's all about. Part of me really likes the idea of having my own income and not being dependent on my darling husband. And part of me recognizes that its quite true that the more you do, the more you can do, and I've become rather exceedingly lazy. Plus I need to keep the old brain cells functioning. Happily this would be different work from what I've been doing for the last 12 years so it would provide a nice change. Plus perhaps even a back up skill set that would give me greater career flexibility. However, I have serious scheduling conflicts - there's mahjong on Monday and sailing on Wed. I hope these guys understand a woman's need for flexibility :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To quote my husband "it's not a life sentence" it's a job ;-) Especially when you are working becuase you want to not because you need to. Nancy