Thursday, August 20, 2009

So this Perth weather...

I'm being informed in slightly bemused tones by my Aussie friends that "honestly, this is the wettest winter we've had in years". There's been one sunny day in the last twelve. So you see it's not all fun and games. I'm about to mildew. Mike has returned safe and sound from his adventures bearing lovely gifts and lots of photos of military paraphernalia from Vietnam and drilling rigs from Singapore. Guy pictures. We're hoping the rains will break long enough over the weekend for a first trip up into the hills east of Perth. We hear rumors of charming villages, monks beavering away making breads, and yet more wineries. Just back from yet another disappointing trip to the library. I determined to use the inter-library loan and really make a stab at finding them satisfactory. This was not a success. Scouring all five of the local branches on the computer catalog proved my initial impressions accurate. I searched on five very prolific authors and found a max of 3-5 titles from each - nearly all requiring a wait of 4-16 days till available. Just one book was currently available in the library where I was seated. Collected short stories of Graham Greene. I snatched it from the shelf, grabbed several others at random, and came home to sulk.


Beth said...

Hey Lyn, I remember the library system when we lived there; sounds like it hasn't changed. Also, I remember buying books all the time too. There was always a decent selection at that store that begins with a "W", but isn't quite Walmart. I'm still jealous.

Lyn said...

Woolworths! Or Woolies as its affectionately called.