Sunday, August 2, 2009


Moving a little bit slow this week what with the demise of Zulu, the official "best dog ever" on July 28th. He had a long and happy life with plenty of dog buddies, fields and pastures to run in, toys and comfy beds, and his very own girl to glom on to from the first time they ever met. He was with his girl to the very end and that's the best that it could have been for him. So no regrets, but logic doesn't apply and I expect we'll get over being sad eventually. And in case anybody thinks that just because he was an elegant fluffy white poodle who always got mistaken for a girl he wasn't a real man, observe him keeping his pal Tyr, a giant Rhodesian Ridgeback, in line :-) Makes me laugh.


Anonymous said...

A true dog gentleman! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Zulu .. a truely joyous friend indeed. What a priviledge it was to have chased him around. RIP

Anonymous said...

He'll be forever missed. There will NEVER be another Zulu. <3

-the aforementioned happily glommed-onto girl